16 gennaio 2006

Students wanting to add Sociology 107

A note to any students wanting to add Sociology 107:

According to the registrar's office, the course is full. Judging from the number of people who have communicated with me, there are at least ten people wanting to add this course. Obviously not all of them can be admitted. Nobody will be admitted before beginning of the term. On the first day, it will be possible to see whether spaces have opened up. Seats in excess of the enrollment cap will go only to Sociology majors. The priorities for admission into the course are:
1. 4th year Sociology majors (there should not be any of these)
2. 3rd year Sociology majors
3. 2nd year Sociology majors
4. 3rd and 4th year Sociology minors
5. 2nd year Sociology minors
6. 1st year students, non-majors and non-minors
Please note: students who are registered but do not attend the first session will be dropped. Students who want to add can only get a place on the list if they attend the first session. As the course is offered every semester, those students who are not admitted will have another opportunity in the fall.