09 dicembre 2005

(Re)introducing this blog

This weblog began as an experiment, to allow me to share materials and discussions with students in my Effects of Mass Media course in Fall 2005. Now it is being revamped as a general tool to allow communication involving me and all of my undergraduate students. Here you will find notes and reminders, reading lists, course syllabi, articles I have run across, assignments, and any other communication related to my courses or university-related issues. One of the best effects of this kind of technology in the last semester was that I was able to almost eliminate the copying and distribution of paper, with all of its waste and risk of loss.

If you are one of my students, bookmark the site and check it regularly. Announcements appear here first. If you are not one of my students, feel free to read and follow. Comments are welcome, but I have turned on the moderation feature, so they come to me for review before they appear on the site.

Anybody who is interested in Balkan societies and cultures is welcome to visit my other site, East Ethnia.