31 gennaio 2006

Theory: First paper assignment (Marx)

Here is the assignment for the first theory paper! I'll distribute paper copies in class today, and have a few pieces of advice as well. Some people may be interested in my grading standards -- I tend to follow the guidelines described in this document by the Bok Center at Harvard, which sets out criteria for A, B, C and "other" papers.


Choose ONE of the following questions and compose a brief (4-5 pages) essay in response. Papers will be evaluated on the basis of the style, structure and reasoning brought to the argument.

Proper citation of sources is REQUIRED. The accepted format for citation of sources is the ASA format. The ASA Style Guide is available online at:


Papers are due TUESDAY, 14 FEBRUARY in class. Late papers will be refused.

  1. A central component of Marx’s critique of capitalism is the category of species being, both as an ideal to which contemporary life can be compared and as a goal for humanity to reach. What is meant by the term? Why are humans not able to achieve species being in a capitalist society? Why does Marx contend that people will be able to achieve it eventually?

  2. Marx argues that just as every previous historical arrangement has fallen victim to its own internal contradictions, capitalism will eventually do the same. So far, this appears not to have happened. It is possible that his prediction was correct, but that the “revolutionary moment” has not yet been reached – do you find any evidence for this possibility? It is also possible that Marx may have made some mistakes in his analysis which led him to make an incorrect prediction – do you find any evidence for this possibility?

  3. In Marx’s argument, alienation is an inevitable consequence of the existence of private ownership of the means of production. How are these two factors connected to one another? Is alienation at bottom a moral category or a material fact?

  4. Friedrich Engels eulogized Marx at his funeral in 1883, claiming “Just as Darwin discovered the law of evolution in organic nature, so Marx discovered the law of evolution in human history.” Assess Marx’s “law of evolution” and suggest some conclusions as to whether Engels was overstating the case or not.

Please feel free to contact me with any questions.